What is Yojana?

The foundation Yojana Project Support is a development organization that:

Our views:
• Has as starting points the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and the Declaration on Child rights*
• Enables people in India to support themselves
• Mainly focuses on child labor, street children and (gender)equality
• Works without political or religious preference
• Sees the promotion of logical thinking and understanding as the key to development

About our work in practice:
• Has more than 30 years of working experience in the rural parts of southern India
• Cooperates intensively with only 6 Indian partners which leads to
• Work that is straightforward and manageable
• Conjoined development of diverse and innovative methods
• Demonstrates clear results
• Is very happy with a staff of professional advisors
• Works professionally, but with unpaid workers only
• Guarantees that donations, without deduction of any costs are wired to projects
• Puts knowledge for free at the disposal of those who contribute
• Is acknowledged as an ANBI (overall useful aim institution) by the Dutch tax authorities
• Has a positive auditors' certificate for the annual reports
Answers your questions via info@yojana.nl

* Both declarations have been ratified by the Indian Government. The declaration on human rights even has been co-developed by Mrs. Hansa Mehta; a famous Indian citizen. She was freedom fighter and member of the executive board van Unesco. We believe that the beautiful words of the declarations on equal rights and the right to a dignified life should not be preached only, but practiced as well.

All activities we started at the initiative and in close cooperation with our Indian partners. Symbolically we express this in our choice for an Indian name. With our approach we aim at a synergy effect by bringing together the lessons learned in India and our own society.

Who gets support from Yojana?
Yojana supports small scale development projects for children, parents and their social environment. To aware people that life can be better. We support partners who want to start that process. Yojana pays currently much attention, with direction from the Indian partners, to projects that prevent child labor and street children projects. Innovative approaches are being developed and in During those activities we keep especially an eye on the interests of girls and women. From experience of many organizations it has been shown that this particular focus is the best way to improve the living standards of the whole community.

The projects are on a small scale and focused on clear goals. The organization is well structured and manageable. Yojana cooperates only with 6 partners, but on a very intensive basis. This provides the opportunity to conjointly deliberate and execute innovative projects.

The tax office has acknowledged Yojana as an ANBI (overall useful aim institution).

It is captured in the statutes of Yojana that each received donation, without deduction of costs, will benefit the projects. Yojana solely works with unpaid volunteers. Inevitable costs are being paid from the “Friends of Yojana” fund. Benefits to that fund are voluntary contributions, as well as the interest of the bank account.

On an annual basis, Yojana spends € 200.000,- on projects. Annual reports carry an accountancy approved statement. They can be found on the website.



